XGLB – Entry Certificate
- Legal certainty for VAT-free EU goods deliveries
- Confirmation of receipt and carrier's certificate
- Optional creation of periodic collective documents or individual documents
- Status Tracking
- Document storage
- Reminder procedure
- Extensive system settings for optimal integration
- SAP certified software solution
Category: Finance
Download PDF: XGLB howtouse
Complete processing of the entry certificate as a confirmation of receipt and forwarding agent certificate
A document must be available for intra-Community supplies of goods exempted from domestic VAT. This document must prove that the goods have actually reached their destination - the confirmation of arrival. The confirmation of receipt is a document that must be issued by the foreign buyer of the goods or the delivering forwarding agent and serves as proof in the supplier's possession.
Legal Requirements
The domestic legislator obliges:
- the foreign buyer or forwarder to cooperate
- the domestic consignor for presentation of the proof
Confirmation of receipt must be:
- show the contents specified by the government tax office
- be available in English, French or German
- be signed by the buyer
- has to be originated from the domain of the buyer
Solution in SAP
XGLB generate The confirmation of receipt / forwarding agent certificate as proof of receipt in SAP
- as interactive PDF form for fully automated processing
- as print form for print, fax, email (PDF)
- manages the outgoing and incoming statements of receipts using status management in a log database in SAP
- reminds overdue proof of arrival automatically or interactively
- archived archived received proofs of arrival
- extends the SD document flow