More informations about the certification and the certificate itself you can see in the SAP Certified Solutions Directory.
SAP Add-Ons - Solutions & extensions for your SAP standard application
Take benefits from our experience, a solution-oriented approach and prompt implementation.
WAFIOS is one of the leaders in wire and tube processing technology - worldwide! We have been supporting WAFIOS in the consistent optimization of its SAP systems since our company was founded in 2003.
Daimler Buses is responsible for the global activities of the bus and service brands Mercedes-Benz, Setra, OMNIplus and BusStore under the umbrella of DaimlerTruck Holding. The company (formerly Evobus) has been one of our regular customers since Xaption was founded.
Schmitz Cargobull is the leading manufacturer of trailers. We are proud to have been able to actively support Schmitz in many areas of their sophisticated SAP software for many years.
Evonik is a modern industrial group with activities around the world in the Chemicals, Energy and Real Estate Business Areas. Together with Evonik, we have developed our software product XGLB for entry certificates.
Winterhalter is the expert for the effective workplace scullery in the catering and hotel industry. Commercial scullery systems from Winterhalter are the best available on the market.
For Bosch PABR (Brazil) we develop the forms as part of the SAP implementation and support further activities in the ABAP environment.
Phoenix Contact stands for the world of connection technology between conductors and PCBs, the world of automation technology, electrical interface technology and the world of surge protection. We supported Phoenix during the SAP implementation and afterwards.
SAP implementation at Siemens Power Generation in Trenton, USA. Xaption was the technical leader for all issues around ABAP, SAP forms and EDI.